This Little Bed’s Juuust Right


Wrap engaging, memorable and personalized experiences around your core salon offerings! The experience you offer guests at your salon is key to adding value and can be done at every guest interaction and touch point.

Your tanning salon is not only competing against other tanning salons for business. What you are really competing for is a portion of your guests’ time, attention, and money. Today, guests have more choices, more opportunity and more options for spending their hard-earned money than ever before.

Guests who believe they get more value for their money are loyal and spend more time with you. At the heart of a multi-realm experience is a staged event that hits the “sweet spot”. Stage an engaging guest experience each and every time.

After completing this Sun is Life module, you will be able to:

  • • Explain the two components of staff image.
  • • Discuss how to improve salon image.
  • • Discuss ways to maximize guest interaction at each touch point.
  • • Apply the Guest Experience Principle: 4E’s: Hitting the Guest Experience “Sweet Spot.”
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