Most guests will play by the rules, but once in a while you’ll need to assert your authority to ensure they do. When appropriate, you can give the guest something to say “Yes” to as well, instead of leaving them with a flat “No”.
Learn the fine line between effectively handling guest complaints vs. standing firm when you simply must say “No” to a guest for their own good. If you violate salon policy – even in an effort to keep a valued guest happy – it’s a danger to your guest, a breach of your job responsibility, and a disservice your salon.
However, your “No” shouldn’t be the end of the discussion… when up against a “non-negotiable” like salon policy, you have a perfect opportunity to wow your guest with creative options that show you’re willing to go above and beyond to help resolve their situation within the boundaries of salon policy.
After completing this Sun is Life module, you will be able to:
- • Explain the procedure for handling guest complaints.
- • Cite answers to questions guests commonly ask.
- • Recognize Steps 5, 6 & 7 of the Seven Steps in the Sales Process: Overcoming Objections, Closing the Sale, and Follow Up.
- • Organize action-oriented phrases to help soothe an irritated guest.
- • Apply the Guest Experience Principle: Find the Yes in a No.